Saturday, November 1, 2014

T.H.E Camp Part 2

Woke up very early in the mornin, 5am something while everyone was still tucked under their blankie, and it's freezing cold.
Washed up, walked to the beach and did my quiet time while walking in the beach. I love the sound of the waves just rolling front and back. 
Did my quiet time, talked to God, and read a verse from the Bible, and God is trying to tell me something through that particular verse. 
After that, went to book a place to have our group devotion, sat there, enjoying the view, capturing pics of nature while waiting for the rest to come.

~my group during Devotion~ 

 ~morning exercise~

And we have to do it every morning. The moment I flipped through the schedule, I was like? chincha?? HAHA we're doing exercise every morning? HAHA

 ~stretch people stretch~

After morning exercise, we had breakfast. Breakfast was good and delicious. Headed back to my room for a quick shower before the next programme.

~P&W (praise and worship) session~

~Wern Jun, the pianist for the P&W session day 2~

This guy, one of my awesome friend who faithfully fetches me to church every Sunday. We were very close to each other, until people thought that we were together. HAHA. WJ is truly a great friend to me, and also has a heart for God, a great encouragement to me. I thankful to have him as my very close friend =)

P&W session was great! Then we had the sermon by Anette on the topic " Redeeming Ruins, Rebuilding Lives" from the book of Judges.
- How do we stand with God
-How do we reconcile with God
-How we rebuild our lives

She even made us play something related to the sermon. 

 ~Good Berry group~
Yea, we were all protecting our balloons from being "attacked" by "enemies"
Sam (light blue shirt) sesat in my group.

~we must blow the bubble and make sure it enters the hoop~


We had lunch after that and we had siesta and games in the evening.
More pics to come for the games part

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