Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dean's List Award Ceremony

On 31st January 2012, I had 3 events to attend =).. so, basically I was very exhausted on that day..
~TESL Carnival in the morning (9am-5pm), Dean's List Ceremony (3.30pm-6pm), and Charity Dinner (7.30pm-10.30pm)~

That afternoon, me and my friends rushed to attend the Dean's List Ceremony..we were late actually...
(nasib baik la can enter, as someone knew me as the SRC member). We were rushing from our TESL Carnival.. fuhh..really penat.. There was 4 of us in my batch who went for the ceremony (me, Fiza, Adib and Alfonsia)

 ~Me n 2 SRC members~

~with all the Dean's List recipients~

TESL Carnival

~opening ceremony of TESL Carnival by Prof. Dr Norhisham~

On 31st January, we had a big event in uni that is 'TESL Carnival'. It is also one of our major project for my Microteaching subject. That morning, my group met in uni at 8am to set up our booths and prepared all the activities and games to be used.

There were many students as well as lecturers who participated in this carnival and my booth too had many participants...Overall, everything went on smoothly and it was awesome!

~this are the games that we had in our booth~

~me explaining to the participants~

~dance!! by TESLians~

 ~the Red Group~

~TESL lecturers~

~this is Abednego, the model of our booth..he helps to promote our booth =P~

~playing the 'Wet Word Game' with Madam Izlin~

~Snake & Ladder anyone??~

Monday, January 30, 2012

TESL Theatre-The Primrose

~main actress and actor~

30th January 2012, The Primrose...theatre by TESL students...
I went for the theatre and it was awesome..I liked it very much..
Every final year degree students of TESL have to take a subject known as Theatre in TESL, where we have to do a production and invite our friends, lecturers,families,etc to come and watch this theatre...

~one of the scenes~

~orange(standing), the fashion designer~

~musical scene~

~the casts and crews~

*now I get the heat..stress stress..after this is my turn, my batch to do a Theatre production.....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Down Memory Lane

I miss those times I was in school...

~with Ms Ruhaida, my beloved teacher~

~with Mdm Rihana, my beloved Maths teacher~

~my alma mater~

I miss my alma mater, my friends, teachers, etc..=)

I miss times during my diploma too, missed the times I spent in the old campus building and missed my friends...
There are so many memories that I had during my school and my diploma times...

~guess which one is mine?=)~

 ~at Extreme park...i miss all of them!~

~at Sunway with Alya n Ain~

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hello again!!

Hello readers...
Im back!! sorry for not updating my blog for quite some time..been busy with so many things..
Just finished my mid sem exam..n I've been sick for one week already.. (sobsss)

Well, last year Christmas was fun and awesome..although I did not went back my hometown, but I celebrated Christmas here with my church members..Thank you all for the presents..^__^

~from one of my SRC members~

~gifts from church members..=P~

As for New Year, i started my year in the house of God.
All of us came together in the morning and we had morning prayer.
we submitted our goals to God and I can sense the Holy Spirit in the house of God.
This year I want to continue to grow faithfully with the Lord, to seek Him and to put Him first above everything..

~What a great way to spend my New Year~