Thursday, October 9, 2014

Upon the cross of Calvary

Liked this song alot. It was sung during PKV Silence of the Drums play. The lyrics and music were composed by Sarah and Samuel from PKV

Verse 1:
Long ago a man from Bethlehem gave his life so I might live
Though him they laughed and scorned and crucified
In His name I chose to believe

It wasn't the nails that held Him there upon the tree of Calvary
It was my sin and His blood for me, 
A love no man can understand

Now I know Gethsemane
Now I know His love for me
Only You can set me free
Upon the cross of Calvary

Verse 2:
By His blood and by His nail scarred hands
I have me a second chance
Though the oceans roar upon the sand
Jesus Christ will be my stand

Take my hand and lead me through the storms
Make me follow You for all my days 
I surrender all I am, O Lord
Make my life be a pleasing sacrifice to You

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