Monday, June 8, 2015

PostgradEdu CG Dinner

On the 4th of June, we had our very first PostgradEdu CG dinner at Nando's Jaya One. Only 3 of them couldn't make it due to some reasons =(..huhu, but I'm glad that the others came ^_^
Invited both CGC (Care Group Committee) for the dinner. It was Sam's first time to my CG.huhu
The other reached the place before us (actually it was a plan that Naomi came to pick me up late) 

~all of us~

~postgrad peeps (2 more couldn't make it)~

This was their plan. Haha.
U guys really weyh, made me cry that time.
I was speechless at that moment.
~thank you for the surprise!~

I kinda know something but macam not sure what when Vian and Cherie were changing their transport stuffs.LOL
 Manatau, they're actually doing a birthday surprise.
ngaww, im so touched and really thank you guys for all these. 

 ~I am truly blessed to have each and every one of you in my CG~

You guys had been such a great person to me.
I pray that each and every one of you will continue to shine for the Lord and continue to grow strong with Him.

~them with their personal messages and the artsy stuffs~

Glad that they liked it =)

~Kuching peeps (Ervinna, Cherie, Yvonne, Alquin)~

~all the love from them~

Thank you again for all your messages. 

 ~new tab cover~

I love all of you guys.
Thank you God for bringing all of them into my life.
I pray that my CG will continue to grow, and all of us will continue to stand strong on our faith. =)
Blessed.Just blessed and thankful and grateful.

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