Sunday, October 5, 2014

Inter CG Captain Ball

It was my FIRST TIME playing Captain Ball!!! HAHA. *im serious, first time*
And , IT WAS FUNNN!!! looking forward for more captain balls in future.
It was really a streesss free day for me. *really let go all my stress*
LOL, but after that, i had a few days of body ache *didnt do such extreme exercise for ages* 

 ~wait, where are the guys?LOL~

 ~the day when you wanna become the goalie, this is what happens~

 ~i'm proud of my team~

 ~oh yea, managed to grab the ball~

 ~David, Mei Fong (back) Raee, me, Naomi (front)~
met Raee like last week! LOL macam dah kenal since many many years ago. Must catch up more with him one day, but he is graduating ady. *sobs*~

 ~Olivia, Fiona, Wern Jun, Tim, me and i lupa her name *gulp* coz she is still new.haha.. ~

~Jennice showing the elegant style of how to catch the ball, Oh, and that'z the new PKV shirt~

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