Monday, October 31, 2016

Convo 2016

Time of the year again, Convocation 2016!
This year, most of the close friends I have in PKV graduated T_T, but I'm happy for them after few years of sweat and tears.
*can't wait for my turn*

 This year, I went to support le Postgrad CG peeps who graduated.

~thanks for temaning me~

 ~Congrats Teck Sen, Chidi and Lee Ming~

~lambung peeps (Mok, Oli, me, Joseph, Bryan, Sandy)~

 ~with Sandy~

So blessed to have you as a friend, missing those times we spent in hostel.

 ~With Bel~

An artsy farsty girl, fashionista,and loves cute stuffs. haha
Thanks for being such a crazeh friend to me, gonna miss those weird moments with you XD

~With Kit zai~

Thanks for being such an encouragement to all of us in PKV. You've been a great listener to most of our problems. Gonna miss you wei, stop planting mushrooms at home, go get a job.haha 

~With Ervinna~

So glad you finally completed your Masters. I know it has been such a challenging time for you, 4 long years, but you've survived
Now, I'm experiencing it, it is really tough and I know how you feel T_T

~with Jennice~

The texas chicken queen that never fails to make us laugh.
Blessed to have you as my close friend. 
#kumpulanayam reunited! 

~With Eric~

Boss! Talented guy in the music industry.
May God continue to use you in the music industry and to serve Him with the talents you have. 

~With Werny~

Yo! Thanks for faithfully fetching us kids to PKV and also supper, lepak, etc haha
Gonna miss all the times we used to havoc in Wahid's.

All the best to everyone of you!
May God continue to bless you in your new journey.
Gonna miss you guys. Do keep in touch =D